Yearbook on Peace Processes 2014

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Autor: Vicenç Fisas

Colección: Fuera de colección

Páginas: 190

Año: 2014

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ISBN: 9788498885941

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This ninth edition of the Yearbook on Peace Processes analyses conflicts in which negotiations are being held to reach a peace agreement, regardless of whether these negotiations are formalised, are in the exploratory phase, are faring well or, to the contrary, are stalled or in the midst of crisis. It also analyses some cases in which negotiations or explorations are partial; that is, they do not include all the armed groups present in the country (such as the case of India, for example). The majority of the negotiations refer to armed conflicts, but we also analyse quite a few contexts in which, despite the fact that there are no considerable armed clashes today, the parties have not reached a permanent agreement that would put an end to the hostilities and conflicts still pending. In that sense, the negotiations make sense in an effort to fend off the start or resurgence of new armed clashes.

Vicenç Fisas is the Director of the School for a Culture of Peace at Universitat Aut ònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He also holds the UNESCO Chair in Peace and Human Rights at the UAB. He has a doctorate in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford, won the National Human Rights Aware in 1988, and is the author of over 30 books on conflicts, disarmament and research into peace. Some of his published titles include Manual de procesos de paz (Handbook of Peace Processes), Procesos de paz y negociación en conflictos armados (Peace Processes and Negotiation in Armed Conflicts), La paz es posible (Peace is Possible) and Cultura de pazz y gestión de conflictos (Peace Culture and Conflict Management).

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Yearbook on Peace Processes 2014

Yearbook on Peace Processes 2014

Autor: Vicenç Fisas

Colección: Fuera de colección

Páginas: 190

Año: 2014

ebook.png Disponible ebook

ISBN: 9788498885941

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